Advisor insights

From industry trends and insights to case studies, articles and more, we have the resources you need to elevate your client's giving strategy. Browse the full library or use the filter to tailor your results.

  1. Charitable Giving Tax Savings Calculator

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Tool

  2. Case Study: Roth conversion with a charitable offset strategy

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Case study

  3. Conversation tips for Advisors: Current year planning

    Audience: Advisor

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  4. Case Study: Net unrealized appreciation strategy

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Case study

  5. Conversation tips for Advisors: Offseting a high-income year

    Audience: Advisor

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  6. Tax-smart giving with equity awards

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies, Non-cash contributions

    Content type: Article

  7. Planning a business exit

    Audience: Advisor

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  8. Maximize Tax Savings by "Bunching"

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Video

  9. Tax strategies you should know

    Audience: Advisor, Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  10. 9 ways to reduce your taxable income

    Audience: Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  11. 7 charitable tax deduction questions answered

    Audience: Client

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Article

  12. How Does "Bunching" Work?

    Audience: Advisors, Clients

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Video

  13. Smarter Asset Selection

    Audience: Advisors, Clients

    Topic: Tax strategies

    Content type: Video

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