Fidelity Charitable offers three distinct successor options to allow Account Holders to continue their charitable legacies beyond their lifetime. Account Holders can elect one successor option, or a combination of the three.
Individual successors may not access or receive a deceased Account Holder’s personal information or Giving Account transaction history.
At the time of the death of the last remaining Account Holder, eligible grant recipients will receive the Giving Account balance. If the named organization is not an eligible grant recipient, the Giving Account balance will be transferred to the Fidelity Charitable Catalyst Fund.
Support the same charities you do now.
Successor charities are subject to the Fidelity Charitable grant review and due diligence process, and must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The program allows donors to recommend recurring grants to up to six qualified charities after the death of the last remaining Account Holder.
The minimum annual grant distribution is 5% of the Giving Account balance, or the applicable IRS minimum percentage.
If the Giving Account balance falls below $5,000, Fidelity Charitable may grant the remaining balance to the recommended charitable organizations.
Create an enduring giving plan and support your favorite charities over time.
A Giving Account must have a balance of at least $100,000 after all other recommended successor options are fulfilled to participate.
Grant recommendations are subject to the Fidelity Charitable grant review and due diligence process, and must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees.