Equity-based giving

Equity in philanthropic giving refers to the fair distribution of resources and support to address social issues and improve the well-being of communities. It includes the importance of considering historical disadvantages that certain groups have faced and addressing the larger systemic issues, such as access to education or the health of the environment. 

Disparities in giving

As our donors seek to prioritize equity in giving, gaps continue to exist and are not always well known, and donors can help fill them. 

There remain persistent disparities in support for vulnerable populations, specifically people of color, women and girls, LGBTQ+ people, and people with disabilities. Yet, often the nonprofit organizations led by or in close proximity to the people they are trying to serve are not as well known or as well funded, even though they can often be the most impactful. Understanding and considering these disparities, as you think about your giving priorities, could help you achieve your philanthropic goals in a more impactful way, while helping to close some of these gaps.

Learn • Reflect • Give

As you begin to refine your philanthropic strategy, the following are more advanced readings and resources.

Learn more with advanced resources
Refine your philanthropic strategy with advanced reading.

Charting for Impact (PDF)

Our guide sheds a spotlight on using an equity-based approach to consider nonprofits that historically have not been able to access funding and the ways that philanthropists can work to better understand and lend their support.

Reflect on your giving
Think about your core values, motivations, and aspirations for giving.

Are the organizations you support proximate to the issues on which they work, with staff and board members who live in the communities served and/or who have faced some of the same issues themselves?

Are you using a wide range of external resources to educate yourself on potential nonprofits to fund, rather than only funding organizations with which you’re familiar?

Keeping in mind that small and community-based organizations, often with leaders from the community they serve, are also those that have historically had less access to funding and training, how can you add flexibility to your funding?